Health and Safety Policy

At Gatestone Security the health and safety of our employees is vital in the successful operation of The Company. Consequently, the Directors of Gatestone Security make their major priority to ensure that its plan for the management of Health and Safety is communicated to all employees and is put into effect by the management.

Gatestone Security acknowledges its legal responsibilities under The Health and Safety Act 1974 (HSW), and associated legislation and Codes of Practice and gives its full commitment to doing everything practicable to protect the safety, health and welfare of all its employees and any other persons whose health and safety may be affected by the Company’s business.

Gatestone Security recognises that our employees are our most vital resource and priority will be given to the effective prevention of risks towards them. We will ensure that all employees have the suitable training and supervision to ensure their safety and the safety of others while working.

However the support of all our employees is needed in avoiding accidents and ill health and the associated cost and disruption. All employees are reminded of their personal legal responsibilities, under the Health and Safety at Work Act, and should do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves and to others by their acts or omissions.

The Directors will ensure that adequate financial, human and other resources will be made available to make certain the effective implementation of the Health & Safety Policy.

The Management are responsible for ensuring that appropriate procedures are established to monitor health and safety performance and ensure good co-operation, communication and co- ordination.

The Company warrants that consultations with employees to discuss matters affecting health, safety and welfare are performed regularly.

Gatestone Security acknowledges that Health and Safety of our employees is of the up most importance, and ensures that our Policy is regularly reviewed.

For further information or if you have any queries regarding this policy, please do not hesitate to contact the Directors on 020 8720 6823.


We perform with Trustworthy, Vigilance and High Ethics.


We strive for exceptional quality, innovation, value and exceeding customer expectations.


We are committed to developing top quality people and treating everyone with respect.


Our mission is to consistently and passionately deliver first class security services to our clients.

What is our why?

Problem solving and client peace of mind!


Our vision is to become the most reliable, trustworthy, successful and sustainable Security Company in the UK.